Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shearing 2011-04-16

We got up at 06:00, breakfasted and headed up to Yellow Rose Alpaca Farm this morning for shearing day. Yellow Rose, as you may already know, is our herd source, and the current home of Angel Lily, the  female we bought and then had bred. Shearing is just part of the day - each alpaca also has to get their nails trimmed, their shots administered, and their teeth checked and possibly ground down. It takes four or five people to get an alpaca onto the shearing table, and get all the work done in a short time so as not to traumatize the animal any more than necessary.

Here's a video of one of the other herd females being worked on. We had a power outage due to the thunderstorm toward the end, so the video goes dark and then cuts off as I realized there wasn't enough light for the camera.

And here's a video of Angel Lily getting her turn on the table. This one runs to completion, although it was a near thing as the camera's batteries were dying.

Another post will follow tomorrow after we are rested!

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